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Community groups workshop ideas

Posted on Friday 9 March 2018

Finding the money to run a community activity or program is often a challenge for community groups.

To help groups with this, Mosman Council is organising a workshop, ‘Grant Seeking and Fundraising’ on Tuesday 27th March 6-9pm at Mosman Seniors Centre with registrations from 5.30pm. Keith Whelan ‘The Grants Guy’ will provide tips on preparing grant applications and fundraising, including making an effective case with a well-prepared project rationale, methodology and budget.

The workshop is part of a series of free workshops for community groups in Mosman with experts who will share ideas and tips in leading community groups and delivering valued programs and services. It follows a successful workshop in February on ‘Writing for the Web and Social Media’ to assist community groups in getting their message across in the digital environment.

Mayor of Mosman Carolyn Corrigan urged group representatives to attend this and other forthcoming workshops for community groups.

“Community groups want to be able to deliver programs of benefit to the community but are often stymied through lack of funds,” Cr Corrigan said.

“This workshop will help them identify what is out there in the way of public and private sector grants and to prepare winning grant applications.”

The workshops arose from feedback provided by community group representatives in seeking opportunities to further develop their expertise and share information on community management and to network together. It is hoped that the networking will lead to further cooperation and collaboration between groups, with the potential for generating innovative projects that meet community priorities.

Other forthcoming Mosman Connects workshops include ‘Demonstrating Social Impact’; and ‘Managing Volunteers’ in May and ‘Pitching and Presenting Your Community Group’ in June. The workshops will be advertised in coming months.

Bookings are essential and further information is available at