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Council Decided – 2 June 2020

Posted on Friday 5 June 2020

MOSPLAN Revised 2018-2021 Delivery Program and 2020-2021 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges

Council recently exhibited its (draft) revised MOSPLAN 2018-2021 Delivery Program and 2020-2021 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges. The period for public comment closed on 10 May 2020. During the exhibition period, further work was undertaken in relation to Council’s forecasted financial position having regard to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of various austerity measures to mitigate these impacts . As a result, it has been possible to reduce Council’s forecasted operating deficit for 2020-21 and to provide greater confidence regarding Council’s financial sustainability as it moves into the next financial year and beyond. Council resolved to adopt the amended documentation, incorporating changes made to budget estimates and also including new hire fees for Mosman Drill Hall.

The revised MOSPLAN 2018-2021 Delivery Program and 2020-2021 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges, all of which will come into force on July 1 this year, can be viewed here.

Council Communications

A report was presented to Council outlining communication and advertising activity over recent months, including responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and the suspension of Mosman Daily print editions in early April. It was noted that, since preparation of the report, News Corp has announced the impending return of the Mosman Daily in print, although a return date has yet to be announced. It was resolved by Council that this matter be deferred for a further report once clarity has been provided on the recommencement of print editions of the Mosman Daily. The further report is to include options for a return to pre-COVID-19 operations and quantifiable information about the reach of various communication mediums.

Mosman Chamber of Commerce ‘Think Mosman First’ initiative

Following an approach from the Mosman Chamber of Commerce, Council resolved to support the Chamber’s ‘Think Mosman First’ initiative aimed at promoting and supporting local businesses as they emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Council will help fund this project to the amount of $5,000 and offer assistance, where practicable, in the distribution of promotional material to local households. At the conclusion of the project the Chamber will be asked to report to Council on project outcomes.

Child Safety Policy

A new Child Safety Policy has been drafted, reaffirming Council’s commitment to the safety of children. The draft policy outlines Council’s approach to keeping children safe and articulates Council’s expectations of all those who provide services for children on behalf of Council or who otherwise provide programs and activities for children at Council owned or controlled facilities. Council resolved to provide in-principle support for the draft policy and to exhibit the document for public comment prior to the matter being further reported to Council. The document will be listed for public comment on Council’s consultation site, at

Mosman Environmental Foundation

After a lengthy process the Mosman Environmental Foundation was formally registered on the Register of Environmental Organisations in early March this year. The Foundation has been established to give effect to a $500,000 donation made to a charitable trust to raise funds and grants for environmental works in Mosman. During the process of establishing the Foundation, temporary Directors were appointed. Council has now resolved to call Expressions of Interest from 3-7 suitably qualified new Directors to replace the original Directors and, following consideration of expressions received, the new Directors will be formally appointed at a future meeting of Council. In resolving to seek new Directors for the Foundation Council also resolved to thank Ms Ingrid Kaiser for the donation of $500,000 to the Mosman Environmental Foundation Fund in April 2020, honouring a pledge made by Ms Kaiser’s late husband, Mr Don Seaton, in 2013. Council’s Director Corporate Services and Manager Governance were also thanked for their work in advancing this matter.

Military Road Traffic Management

Council has for some time been investigating the possible implementation of No Right Hand Turn restrictions from Avenue Road into Military Road and this matter was most recently considered by the Local Traffic Committee at its meeting of 5 May 2020. At that meeting the matter was again referred to Council for consideration. Council resolved that any further action regarding a No Right Hand Turn restriction be put on hold, both for further investigation of mitigating measures and having regard to proposed developments in the vicinity. Staff will also be requested to liaise with Transport for NSW regarding the trial phasing of traffic lights at intersection of Military Road and Belmont Road on the basis of modelling and with a view to increasing the green time for traffic flow in Belmont Road entering Military Road.

Cycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements – Wyong Road

Following recent community consultation and consideration by the Local Traffic Committee, Council gave further consideration to proposed cycle and pedestrian improvement works in Wyong Road. These works include installation of a new bicycle lane, road markings, improved pedestrian facilities and landscaping works. It was subsequently resolved by Council that further action in relation to these proposed works be deferred until Council’s financial situation improves and that the works be considered again as a future MOSPLAN project.

Public Domain Manual

A draft Public Domain Manual has recently been prepared to facilitate a consistent approach to public domain improvements in Mosman’s urban, coastal and park areas. Use of the Manual is expected to deliver efficiencies in the design, documentation , procurement and construction of works on public land, creating public spaces that are attractive, comfortable, accessible and easy to navigate. Council requested some minor amendments to the draft Manual and approved exhibition of the document for public comment. The document will be listed for public comment on Council’s consultation site, at

Community Consultative Committees

Council discussed the operation of its various Community Consultative Committees and resolved that staff review the Charters of these advisory groups for discussion at a future workshop with Councillors and then finalisation of the review through a further report to Council.